The Magic of Golden Hour Family Sessions

With the summer solstice just behind us, we’re currently basking in the longest days of the year, offering a perfect opportunity for outdoor family photo sessions. These extended daylight hours lead to 9 pm sunsets, creating an ideal scenario for achieving stunning, light bathed photos. This right here is the magic of golden hour family sessions!

Family with two young kids walking in the shallow water with the sun setting behind them

Why Sunset Sessions are Ideal

I always encourage my clients to book their outdoor sessions within an hour or two of sunset, especially for locations like the beach or other wide-open spaces. This timing is crucial to capture that soft, buttery, golden light that can make your photos truly magical.

Family of four playing parachute with a crochet blanket on the beach at sunset.
Fun is part of the experience. Get playful with your kids and magic will follow.

Addressing Bedtime Concerns

Parents with young kids often hesitate to book late evening sessions due to their children’s bedtime routines. I completely understand this concern; as a parent, I’ve been there. I remember how precious regular bedtimes were when my children were little. However, sometimes it’s worth breaking the rules, just as you might during long road trips, flights, or family visits. Surprisingly, most kids handle these deviations from routine exceptionally well, and the results are well worth it.

Mom and dad playfully tossing their children under a willow tree with the sun setting behind them

Tips for a Successful Golden Hour Session with Littles

  • Embrace Playfulness: Approach the evening with a playful mindset, ready to enjoy the experience.
  • Let Go of Expectations: Release any rigid expectations about how the session should go or how your kids must behave.
  • Bring Essentials: Snacks, water, and favorite lovies can help keep your kids happy and comfortable.
Child running towards the camera while his mom, dad and younger sibling are out of focus in the background

Fall: A Perfect Time for Golden Hour Family Sessions

Consider booking your session for early fall. The sun sets at 8 pm on September 1st and gradually earlier, reaching 7 pm by the end of the month. This shift makes fall an incredibly popular time for family sessions, which is why it books up so quickly.

If you want to capture epic, light-bathed images with your family, I strongly recommend booking your session as soon as possible, especially if you prefer a 7 pm sunset over a 9pm one.

Experience the magic of golden hour family sessions and create unforgettable memories with your favourite people (big and little).

Family sitting on a rock overlooking the water at sunset during golden hour

Ready to book your session or just want a little more information and help deciding if this is for you? Reach out to me for a zero-pressure chat and we’ll go from there.

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